Free Web Conferencing Software

I'd like to share some free software that would truly be beneficial to your organization. Many nationwide companies are now using web conferencing  software to communicate with their staff around the country. While they often pay a monthly fee to use these types of services, there are other options out there that are cheaper or even free. In this case I would like to share with you important tools for web conferencing that are FREE!!!!

Phone Conferencing

Free Conference - offers free phone conferencing for groups of up to 150 callers. The maximum number of conferencing time is normally about 4 hours.

The "Web schedulled standard" version which is also free also offers desktop sharing. For more information click here for  thier features page.

Free Conference Call - Each free teleconferencing account accommodates 96 callers on an unlimited number of 6 hour conference calls. Long distance charges may apply, but there are no additional charges from

FreeConferenceCall accounts also come with FREE conference call recording! So not only is the recording service free, it's accessible by phone or computer, with no additional charges for downloading. You can distribute, archive or even send recordings to your listeners via RSS and podcast – for FREE. To access the new free teleconference recording features, just visit and register for a recording account. You will receive instant account access with recording passwords and playback instructions.

No Cost Conference - Here's Life Inner City currently uses this particular tool.  We have found this to be effective.


Web Conferencing

VYEW- Free online web conferencing service Vyew launched earlier this year. Today, they’ve launched a new version that allows users to create “VyewBooks” to share, present, and interact with other people around content such as Microsoft Office files, pictures, audio and video.The new version includes tools to facilitate the creation of new presentations and also supports a desktop view for live sharing of files, images, and web sites.A widget-style tool “Vyewlet generator” allows content to be embedded on any website, a screencast tool of sorts that records collaborative work for demonstration elsewhere.

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